Plants from Fabaceae Lindl. are widely distributed in the world as economically important crops due to their high content of useful nutrients. Species of the Vigna L. genus are used in many countries of the world because of the high content of protein in the seeds. However, no less important is to study the biochemical composition of above-ground parts of plants that can be used as fodder, medicinal or energetic. It was a study of six genotypes of Vigna spp. (f. 1 – Vigna aconitifolius Jacq., f. 2 – V. umbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi & H. Ohashi, f. 3 – V. unguiculata (L.) Walp., f. 4 – V. unguiculata (L.) Walp., f. 5 – V. unguiculata (L.) Walp., f. 6 – V. mungo (L.) Hepper.) to determine selected biochemical parameters. The content of dry matter for six genotypes was from 17.92 to 34.25 %, total sugar content from 7.03 to 15.65 %, the total content of ascorbic acid was from 62.96 (f. 2) to 115.66 (f. 1) mg%, β-carotene content for six Vigna genotypes was from 0.23 (f. 2) to 1.74 (f. 5) mg%, the content of tannins was 1.51–3.10 %, lipids 1.78–4.22 %, titrable acidity was 2.50–7.85 %, content of ash in our study was from 6.58 (f. 2) to 10.75 (f. 3) %, calcium from 1.27 (f. 2) to 3.75 (f. 3) %, and phosphorus from 0.71 (f. 3) to 1.18 (f. 5) % depending on genotypes. The correlation analysis showed a very strong relations between total ash content and total calcium content (r = 0.971, p ≤0.01), between titrable acidity and total tannin content (r = 0.913, p ≤0.01), between carotene content and total tannin content (r = 0.863, p ≤0.01), carotene content and titrable acidity (r = 0.845, p ≤0.01). Thus, this study demonstrated that different genotypes of Vigna spp. are a good source of nutrients such as vitamins, dry matter, selected mineral components, etc. The research of the chemical composition of plants of six Vigna genotypes allowed to detect maximal content of dry matter for f. 2, titrable acidity, the content of tannins, β-carotene, and phosphorus for f. 5. The highest content of lipids, ash, and calcium was determined in raw f. 3. The ascorbic acid content was maximal in raw f. 1 plants.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Olena Vergun, Dzhamal Rakhmetov, Oleksandr Bondarchuk, Svitlana Rakhmetova, Oksana Shymanska, Valentyna Fishchenko