To improve the human living space in an urbanized environment, there is a growing need to use new species and forms of ornamental trees and shrubs in urban landscaping. Plants of the genus Liquidambar L. are increasingly used in the landscapes of large cities and industrial centers. The genus Liquidambar includes 15 species, 3 of which are found in Ukraine: Liquidambar formosana Hance, L. orientalis Mill., L. styraciflua L. In the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine National Botanic Garden (NBG), studies of the distribution of these species were carried out, but the most urgent task of these studies is to determine the species belonging to plants, which is extremely important for botanical institutions that have a significant assortment of trees and shrubs that are the most ecologically stable and tested. The morphological structure of fruits and seeds is one of the most important in determining the species. Morphological studies of infructescences, fruits, and seeds of the plants of Liquidambar species were conducted at the NBG, and its species affiliation was determined. The following characteristics were studied: the shape and structure of the infructescence, peduncle, fruit, seed, and wing; features of the location of the fruits; form of extrafloral structures; shape and size of cells of the seed coat. By comparing the obtained data with the morphological descriptions of L. orientalis and L. styraciflua, it was possible to determine the species belonging to the plants of the Liquidambar genus growing in the NBG. Based on these features, it was determined that an unidentified species, collected in NBG, belong to the species L. styraciflua. Identifying the species of the genus Liquidambar for the botanical institution provides an opportunity to conduct research and recommend L. styraciflua for wider use in Ukraine.

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