The increasing interest in spicy plants for their diverse applications in functional foods and as melliferous plants highlight a wide array of species valued for their distinctive flavours, nutritional benefits, and therapeutic properties. Dracocephalum moldavica L., commonly known as Moldavian dragonhead, is a noteworthy candidate due to its nutritional value, high essential oil content, antioxidant capacity, and adaptability. Various plant genetic resources information systems and national genebank databases were explored to identify suitable varieties to be cultivated in Armenia. Key insights from this assessment revealed a limited availability of D. moldavica accessions across global genebanks, with significant gaps in accession data, particularly regarding characterization and evaluation. This lack of comprehensive information impeded the selection process. Based on publicly available data, national genebank records, and literature on valuable traits, two cultivars – Gorynych and Moldavia - were selected for study and potential introduction in Armenia. Minimal differences were observed in growth stages and morphological traits, with cv. Gorynych showing taller inflorescences and cv. Moldavia slightly larger floral features. Both varieties demonstrated extended flowering periods, indicating high melliferous potential in Armenia’s valley conditions. These cultivars are recommended for cultivation and further research on their biochemical properties.

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