The wine industry produces a high amount of co-product known as grape pomace, which consists of grape skins, stems and seeds. This co-product is difficult to dispose of, mainly due to the high concentration of polyphenolic compounds. This could be, however, utilized in other food industries, such as the meat industry, which is currently in pursuit of replacing synthetic antioxidants with natural solutions. In our study, we enhanced pork sausages with grape pomace powder of two different cultivars Vitis vinifera L. (Cabernet Franc and Merlot), in the concentration of 5 g.kg-1 on the day of preparation and on the last day storage period (21st day). We mechanically determined colour by spectrophotometer and TA.XT textural analyzer to observe its effect on sensory parameters. Also, sensory evaluation by a seven-member panel was conducted. The observed parameters were aroma, taste, odour, consistency, and appearance. We proved that grape pomace addition could significantly alter the colour of meat products without altering the textural properties such as hardness, chewiness, or resilience. During sensory evaluation on the first day, experimental sausages scored lower in all parameters than control samples. At the end of the storage period samples enhanced with grape pomace powder reached higher levels in aroma parameters and samples with Cabernet Franc had even higher scores in taste parameters than in control groups.

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