Productive Quality and Digestibility of Nutritive Substances in the Organism of Bunches at the Use of Fire Pow
Agrobiodiversity for Improving Nutrition, Health and Life Quality
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gobies; pea of the field; sunflower meal; digestible protein; live weight; average daily weight gain Digestibility

How to Cite

Savchuk, I., Stepanenko, V., & Pavliuk, N. (2017). Productive Quality and Digestibility of Nutritive Substances in the Organism of Bunches at the Use of Fire Pow. Agrobiodiversity for Improving Nutrition, Health and Life Quality, (1). Retrieved from


The results of scientific research on the solution of the problem of protein supply to young cattle for growing and fattening in the Polesie of Ukraine at the expense of local high-protein feed – peliushki (pea of the field) are summarized. Scientific and production experiments were conducted on the bulls of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed in the physiological court of the Institute of Agriculture of Polesye of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In two experiments, rations for experimental steers of control and experimental groups were the same for energy supply, protein, mineral substances and vitamins. The animals of the control groups received feeds in which the lack of digestible protein was provided by feeding the sunflower meal (0.64–0.97 kg/head/day). In the experimental groups, for the balancing of the rations of feeding young cattle for protein, the grain of peas of the field (natural) (0.85 kg/head/day) and extruded (1.03 kg/head/day) was used. The data of the conducted research experiments indicate that the introduction of different high protein feeds into rations of bulls to ensure the optimal level of digestible protein positively affects the productive qualities of animals. Optimization of rations of feeding of bull-calves on digestible protein due to natural and extruded grain of pea field in comparison with sunflower meal helps to increase daily average weight gain of animals by 2.4–6.8% and decrease in feed costs per unit of growth by 0.4–4.4%. The inclusion of peas in the field of the ration of young cattle in comparison with sunflower meal promotes better digestibility of crude protein by 2.8% and lack of extractives by 2.9%. The deposition of nitrogen in the body of the bull-calves of the experimental group relative to the received food and digested was, respectively, 0.8 and 2.3%, than in the control.

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