Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers are a significant part of agricultural production and an important part of the food for human nutrition. Tubers of seven potato cultivars (Annalena, Anuscha, Elfe, Impala, Marena, Riviera, Rosara) were analyzed in this study. Total polyphenol content in analyzed cultivars ranged from 161.7 to 496.1 mg GAE.kg-1 FW (641.5 to 2418.6 mg GAE.kg-1 DM). Antioxidant activity in analyzed cultivars ranged from 0.27 to 0.67 mmol TE.kg-1 FW (1.08 to 6.18 mmol TE.kg-1 DM). Significant differences were determined in the TPC and AA of Annalena and Rosara, Anuscha and Rosara, Annalena and Riviera, and Anuscha and Riviera. Cd content in analyzed cultivars ranged from 0.006 to 0.064 mg.kg-1 FW (0.02 to 0.278 mg.kg-1 DM). Pb content in analyzed cultivars ranged from 0.015 to 0.370 mg.kg-1 FW (0.05 to 1.47 mg.kg-1 DM). The limit for Pb, set by Commission Regulation (EC) no. 1881/2006 was exceeded in cultivars Annalena, Elfe, Impala, Marena, and Rosara. Significant differences were determined in the Cd content of Annalena and Marena, Annalena and Riviera, and Annalena and Rosara. Significant differences were determined in the Pb content of Annalena and Riviera, and Annalena and Rosara. Positive correlations (p <0.001) were determined between TPC and AA (r = 0.658). Negative correlations were determined (p <0.05) between TPC and Cd content, and AA and Cd content.

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