Use of the Various Methods of Reproduction Verbena triphilla L‘Hеr. at Introduction in the Climate Conditions of Moldova
Agrobiodiversity for Improving Nutrition, Health and Life Quality
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Verbena; metods; multiplication; rooting; cuttings; substrate

How to Cite

Chisnicean, L., & Rosca, N. (2017). Use of the Various Methods of Reproduction Verbena triphilla L‘Hеr. at Introduction in the Climate Conditions of Moldova. Agrobiodiversity for Improving Nutrition, Health and Life Quality, (1). Retrieved from


The research is devoted to the identification of the most effective, inexpensive and easy-to-use methods of reproduction, with the introduction of the species Verbena triphylla L‘Hér in the climatic conditions of Moldova. Vegetative reproduction is necessary, since plants Verbena triphylla for four years of observation have been reached the flowering phase, but haven’t formed viable seeds. The method of vegetative propagation used is a sanation (restoration of viability of age plants) of the apical parts of the stems, and similar to that, used for peppermint-patent MD517 Z 2013.01.31, BOPI No. 6/20/12 (1). Earlier, with the acquisition of the original specimen of this species, a vegetative propagation method was successfully undertaken-by rooting of green and lignified cuttings. The method is effective, but it is necessary to have a large volume of initial material, that is preserved in winter „living“ plants. The new method of sanitation allows with a small number of healthy plants preserved in the cold period to obtain in a short time a rather large volume of high-quality, healthy, and inexpensive rooted plants of the Verbena triphylla species. Plants multiplied by this method grow well and develop in the open ground, reach the flowering stage, forming abundant foliage.

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